September 30, 2019

Things to do on a rainy day


Recording rainfall is very useful information. You can determine minimum’s, maximum’s, averages and maybe even trends. We got 9.7mm of rain in this 24 hour period. This is over half of the total rainfall received in Finke Gorge for the entire year, thus far. This could be the driest period on record if a whole heap more rain isn’t forthcoming. 

This rainfall reading is recorded and eventually entered into the BOM data base. Palm Valley rainfall figures go back to 1981. The last rain was in June 2019. The station number is 15633.

The majority of the day was to transfer invertebrate specimens from a formaline solution, into 70% Ethanol. Formaline has Formaldehyde in it. This is used to preserve biological specimens. It is a strong disinfectant and tissue hardener. Both solutions require careful handling and following the MSDS is non negotiable. The Ethanol is better for long term preservation.

These specimens are used for referance