September 29, 2019

Rain, Rain, Don’t Go Away


Rain is the stuff of all life and it has been a rare event this year in Finke Gorge NP. It usually has an annual rainfall of 350mm, which is quite low in itself. But this year in Finke Gorge there has only been 17mm to date. It is so dry here, so this really is a welcome relief. It really does transform everything and it is a welcome respite from the heat.

It really does transform the place. The water holes start to fill and there is hope that the Creeks will flow. The dust is washed away from the vegetation. The rocks are glistening from the wet. All the colours seem brighter. 

But otherwise it was business as usual. The service checks still had to be done.

Another task for the day was to check all the first aid kits. To make sure everything was operational and not out of date. Because out here, if there is a medical emergency, you want everything to be available and functional, as it can be a bit of a wait for paramedics to arrive.