September 29, 2019

Always Learning Something

22/09/2019 Even on my rest day’s I’m still learning. Whether it’s at Alice Springs Library, catching up on my studies. I learnt that you can’t pick up deoderant or mouthwash from the shelves at Alice Springs Supermarkets. You have to ask a shop attendant to unlock the cabinet. This is […]

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September 29, 2019

Hermannsburg Historic Precinct

21/09/2019 Also on my day off I checked out the Hermannsburg Historic Precinct. It is situated near the turn off to Finke Gorge NP. It was the first Aboriginal Mission in the Northern Territory. Established by the Lutheran Church in 1877. For over a century the Lutheran Church educated and […]

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September 29, 2019

Tnorala (Gosse Bluff, Crater)

21/09/2019 I have the whole weekend off, so it’s off to Alice Springs again to stock up. But this time I did a bit of a detour and went to Gosse Bluff. Known to the Aboriginals as Tnorala, it is a registered sacred site. Also scientists believe that around 142.5 […]

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September 26, 2019

Service Check Day

20/09/2019 Mostly did service checks today. But in the camp ground I spotted this Western Ringneck or Port Lincoln Parrot. One of its preferred habitats is the River Red gums, Desert Oak and spinifex. Which are all plentiful in this part of Australia. This one was feeding on the seed […]

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September 25, 2019

I Spy, With My Little Camera

19/09/2019 The brief for today was to set up cameras at a water hole in Palm Paddock. We wanted to determine what animals were coming in for a drink. The main concern was the wild horses. We grabbed 4 motion sensing cameras and head off to set them up.  The […]

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September 24, 2019

Mpulungkinya Track Patrol

18/09/2019 What a privilege to patrol the awesome tracks in Finke Gorge National Park. But someone’s got to do it. The patrol is to ensure all is well with the walk and to identify any issues. It has to be done on a regular basis. This trail goes further up […]

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September 24, 2019

Camel Caught in the Act

17/09/2019 Went to check the Western fence of Illamurta Springs, first thing in the morning and to our surprise we sprung this Camel walking up and down the fence line, inside the park. It was quite clear who had pushed the fence down, to get inside the park. Once the […]

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September 23, 2019

It’s Swag time again

16/09/2019 The task was set, to patrol the fences to the South of the Park, including Illamurta Springs Conservation Reserve.  Along with some sign maintenance and erosion control. It required another overnight stay, because it would take the whole day getting to our final destination of Illamurta Springs, which is […]

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September 22, 2019

Back to Alice for Stores

14/09/2019 – 15/09/2019 After work on Saturday, I left Finke Gorge NP to go back to Alice. I needed to stock up with more food. It was getting late when I left, but the timing was right to see this magnificent moon rise, as I was driving.

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September 22, 2019

Ranger Patrol

14/09/2019 This morning I went on a patrol of the Mpaara Walk. This walk introduces the mythology of the Western Arrernte Aboriginal culture. The story was told to Aboriginal children to discourage them from walking in the hills alone. It was a hard walk, but once again very rewarding. This […]

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