September 19, 2019

Link track – weed survey cont’


What an awesome night sleeping out, under the stars. Looking at the Southern Cross and working out where South was. I crawled out of the Swag for another day of weed survey further South on the Finke River.

The Athel Pine weed was less in number, on the link track. But this one we found (picture to left) took two of us to pull it out. This was the largest Athel weed we found during the two day survey. Usually one person can pull them out by hand, if not left to grow for too long.

The Quad bike was searching high and low, but had no trouble over the rugged terain.

We didn’t have so much luck and had to winch the Landcruiser out of hole. The Max Tracks were also getting a bit of a work out in the sand today.

Another weed called Bearded Grass was also located, so we spent a while there pulling them out and filled about 6 garbage bags. It was a nice location to pull out weeds (see picture below)

An interesting feature of todays traverse, was to see the after effects of a controlled burn, in an area on the Finke River of the Central Australian Red Cabbage Palm. The burn seemed to have regenerated considerable vegetation (see picture below)