September 19, 2019

Introduction to Service Checks – Water is Life


One important aspect to managing a National Park is to ensure all visitors and staff have fully functioning amenities and services. This involves checking there is enough water, power is being supplied, facilities are clean. These checks are carried out 3 times on weekdays and on Saturday’s and Sunday’s.

Water, Generator and Solar Panels needed checking

Camp ground needs to be cleaned. Toilets, showers, BBQ, Fire Pits etc

Interesting Fact: Finke Gorge NP water is supplied by Bores sunk into the ground to access groundwater. This groundwater is then pumped to the tanks. Overall 22% of the world’s freshwater is groundwater. In the Northern Territory (NT) 90% of the water supply comes from groundwater. There are around 35,000 water bores in the NT. 

In 1988 the Finke River flooded. The old Rangers Station to the top left was inundated. Leaving the Ranger and his family with no option, but to find dry ground up above their residence. The picture on top right shows the flood level, with the old Rangers Station behind the bushes (middle left of picture). Below is an actual image of the flood. Refer to Gallery and click on thumbnail for enlarged picture.