September 25, 2019

I Spy, With My Little Camera


The brief for today was to set up cameras at a water hole in Palm Paddock. We wanted to determine what animals were coming in for a drink. The main concern was the wild horses. We grabbed 4 motion sensing cameras and head off to set them up. 

The four cameras were set up all on one side of the water hole, as this gave the animals the easiest access. In a weeks time they will be picked up, and view the images. The spying was now in place. We’ll see what we capture. 

We then headed in a loop around Palm Paddock and come across another water hole. I could of had a swim here. There was evidence of horses here too. They really do a lot of damage. 

Near the Palm Paddocks Outstation, a mob of wild horses crossed our path. Six in total. It is estimated there are 100 in the Park. The Aboriginal Land Council has been asked to remove them. But as yet, no action has been taken. Something has to be done about them soon.