Environmental Education

Australia has a rich and diverse array of Flora and Fauna, which are unique to this continent. The aim of Vondersadventures is to highlight this biodiversity, to the point where readers can increase their knowledge as to what Australian natural environment has to offer and why it is important to conserve and protect it. On this page you will find educational aspects to our environment, picked up through my studies at Charles Sturt University. I hope you find it interesting and encouraging, to the point that you will make a positive contribution to preserving Nature, whilst immersing yourself in it.

Australia’s Tasmanian tiger, also known as our thylacine, became extinct in 1936
Australia has a very poor record of protecting its unique wildlife, There has been an ongoing decline in biodiversity since European settlement. Australia has one of the world’s worst records for the extinction and lack of protection for threatened fauna and is ranked second (after Indonesia) in the world for ongoing biodiversity loss.
Ten per cent of Native land mammal species have become extinct over the last 200 years, which represents 50 per cent of the global mammal extinctions during that period. A further wave of extinctions is imminent, unless something is done. Clearing of habitat is just one area that needs to be addressed. 31 ecological communities, were listed as critically endangered. There are 480 animal species listed as threatened, including 55 listed as extinct or extinct in the wild. An increase of 44 species since 2011 (retreived from https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Environment_and_Communications/Faunalextinction/~/media/Committees/ec_ctte/Faunalextinction/Interim%20report/c02.pdf.)
Some Key drivers of faunal extinction include:
  • habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation;
  • invasive species including cats and foxes
  • changes to fire management
  • climate change; and
  • disease

We can all play a part to protect our wildlife. No matter how small. Even by being mindful of litter can prevent disease. Think about planting native plants in the garden to attract indigenous wildlife. Reduce your carbon footprint. Just make a commitment to fight for our unique biodiversiy.