September 24, 2019

Camel Caught in the Act


Went to check the Western fence of Illamurta Springs, first thing in the morning and to our surprise we sprung this Camel walking up and down the fence line, inside the park. It was quite clear who had pushed the fence down, to get inside the park. Once the Camel was evicted, fence repairs were carried out.

Because we were a fair distance from Finke Gorge Ranger Station, UHF communication was poor. We had to reach higher ground so the signal could reach a UHF repeater. This extends the range of radio communication and then we were able to contact base and let the Head Ranger know we were ok and inform of our movement for the day.

There was still a couple more tasks to complete at Illamurta Springs. Fence off the well, as it the surround had collapsed and a hazard. Replace the faded walking trail markers.

Illamurta Springs once had a Police Outpost, to control the cattle spearing by the Aboriginal People. It was established in 1893. It was a clash of cultures. This is one of the buildings that remain.

The South fence of Finke Gorge NP, needed checking as well. It was detemined that the battery was dead and needed replacing.

Lunch was had at Boggy Hole again. Ths time we did a bird survey, to determine how many species we could identify.

Assistance was rendered to a couple of travellers. It’s good to do some public relations work as well. Advice was given and they were happy campers. All in a days work