September 29, 2019

Always Learning Something


Even on my rest day’s I’m still learning.

Whether it’s at Alice Springs Library, catching up on my studies.

I learnt that you can’t pick up deoderant or mouthwash from the shelves at Alice Springs Supermarkets. You have to ask a shop attendant to unlock the cabinet. This is because in 2014 Alice Springs retailers agreed to keep  aerosol deodorant off their shelves after a spate of sniffing in the town. There were more than 500 reports that children were using it as a drug. The Central Australian Youth Link Up Service says the move has significantly reduced the problem, but is still getting reports of young people sniffing aerosols. Mouthwash is also kept locked up prevent alcoholics using them to get intoxicated. It’s a very sad state of affairs.

I was also greeted by what I thought was a baby Wallaby. But I wasn’t sure because the colour was more that of a Kangaroo. I soon learn’t that it was a Wallaroo or a Euro. It is a cross between a Wallaby and a Kangaroo. Hence the name Wallaroo. See my video below of this cute little creature.