September 29, 2019

Rain, Rain, Don’t Go Away

23/09/2019 Rain is the stuff of all life and it has been a rare event this year in Finke Gorge NP. It usually has an annual rainfall of 350mm, which is quite low in itself. But this year in Finke Gorge there has only been 17mm to date. It is […]

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September 29, 2019

Always Learning Something

22/09/2019 Even on my rest day’s I’m still learning. Whether it’s at Alice Springs Library, catching up on my studies. I learnt that you can’t pick up deoderant or mouthwash from the shelves at Alice Springs Supermarkets. You have to ask a shop attendant to unlock the cabinet. This is […]

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September 29, 2019

Hermannsburg Historic Precinct

21/09/2019 Also on my day off I checked out the Hermannsburg Historic Precinct. It is situated near the turn off to Finke Gorge NP. It was the first Aboriginal Mission in the Northern Territory. Established by the Lutheran Church in 1877. For over a century the Lutheran Church educated and […]

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September 29, 2019

Tnorala (Gosse Bluff, Crater)

21/09/2019 I have the whole weekend off, so it’s off to Alice Springs again to stock up. But this time I did a bit of a detour and went to Gosse Bluff. Known to the Aboriginals as Tnorala, it is a registered sacred site. Also scientists believe that around 142.5 […]

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