About Vonders Adventures

On my blog you will find, many adventures. In my world view, life is an adventure and anything you undertake in life that has a sense of wonder or achievement, makes it an adventure. It doesn’t have to be risky and it can be large or small. It could be travel related, or even activities such as Mountain Bike riding, Motor Cycle riding. If I’m lucky, it could involve some flying in a light aircraft. Four Wheel Driving is always an adventure for me. 

First a little bit about myself. I have done a lot of travels within Australia. I am yet to explore overseas. I am currently studying my  Bachelor of Applied Science (Parks, Recreation & Heritage), at Charles Sturt University. I hope to integrate and impart some of my learnings with you, throughout my adventures. 

I will be armed with a Cannon EOS 70D, an Iphone, an old GoPro Hero 2, and a DJI Spark Drone. Not forgetting the trusty 80 series Toyota Landcruiser. Hopefully I can get some good photos and videos of some of the great places I’d like to go. Even the not so great places, just to put things into perspective.

I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave comments. It would be great if I could get my fellow blogger’s to feel engaged and interested.